A Book, Maybe???

This year marks 10 years since I started writing a blog, called “wehaveadreamtoo.wordpress.com”. Initially it was a project that was aimed at getting an incredible Uniting church minister/lawyer and peace activist into the public domain.  Yet while Nev Watson contributed for a few years, it really has become my baby.

And while my readership is small, on average only around 50, they are faithful, although occasionally it does escalates to over 100 if the topic is relevant, like when a very famous or controversial person dies.  When John Selby Spong succumbed to his stroke I wrote a reflection on how much he and his writings had influenced me.  I struck pay dirt with about 150 reading the post. Then of course it returned to normal!!!

Over the years I have written about my journey of faith, from a science/atheist background, to someone who has embraced the Jesus story, and the God story, as it intertwines with the earth story and the human story.  Science and faith that can live together, in harmony embracing the mystery inherent in both.

I have continued to work as a scientist and a teacher of science, while also being a pastor for an open and progressive church community (otherwise I would have been sacked) which has influenced my path.  Lately, well in the last few years at least, I have moved into a time of deep reflection, having been exposed to the great mystics of our tradition and into meditation and contemplative prayer.   But  I have also found the beauty of walking long distances, in rhythm with the earth., a joy that continues to give great insights.  All of these pathways I have tried to reflect in my blog. 

But I have also written about the normal daily challenges of life, the extraordinary things we find there, the time of Covid and how we had to rearrange ourselves and our communities.  I have written about walking the Spanish Camino, the gift of travelling no-where, and about the pain of loss and grief and letting go, of people and of dreams.

I have written about friendship, and about books that have become my friends, and about dogs, and about poets who inspire me, like Mary Oliver, who also loved dogs.

So to celebrate that I am still writing, still getting the urge to put pen to paper, I am going to put the best of the blogs together in a book. I have always wanted to write a book, but it seems I have been writing one by default.

So watch this space as it will be a self-published collection, maybe to get it out to slightly more readers!!!  Or just to keep it as a reflection of where I have come from and where I am heading, for as we know we are people on the way

As I write this I’m pretty excited by the prospect. Perhaps I might get 51 people to read it!!


One response to “A Book, Maybe???”

  1. Gail Cresswell says :

    I am so happy to hear this news – I’ll buy a copy for sure.

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